Best AI Tools Directory

#AI Detector


GPTZero is an intuitive AI detector with a 52% accuracy rate, providing fundamental AI content detection. It features a simple interface and swift checks, tailored for specific AI models. Perfect for educators, it integrates seamlessly with MS Word and learning systems. GPTZero is free to use and requires no sign-up. Key features include ChatGPT plagiarism checks, sentence analysis, text spam detection, and search engine support.

#AI Detector


Originality.ai is a precise tool created to quickly identify AI-generated text, guaranteeing the authenticity of content. It provides instant detection, a Google Chrome extension for on-the-fly analysis, and supports multiple languages, making it adaptable for businesses. Its main features encompass AI detection, easily shareable reports, collaborative functionalities, and assessments for readability.

#Misc. AI Tools #AI Chatbot


Enhance your website with an AI Chatbot. Increase interaction, provide answers, and generate leads. Customized and optimized using your data.

#Fun AI tools #Misc. AI Tools


Experience AI Astrology and Spiritual Consultation. Engage with an AI Astrologer skilled in Tarot Card Reading, Palmistry, and Face Reading.

#AI Writing Tools #AI Chatbot #Free AI Tools

ChatGPT by OpenAI

OpenAI’s ChatGPT stands out as the premier and most widely recognized AI chatbot in the field. Renowned for its extensive range of capabilities, it boasts GPT-3.5 & GPT-4 language models, advanced text generation, AI writing features, problem-solving prowess, and much more.

#Text to Video AI #Text-to-speech #AI Audio Generators #AI Video Tools


Generate AI-powered videos instantly using the 99% Reality AI Avatar. Craft lifelike videos effortlessly with simple writing. Get your first AI video within minutes, effortlessly…

#AI Writing Tools #Misc. AI Tools


Land your dream job faster. Become a top choice for every job you apply for. Save hours on each job application.

#Finance AI


Extract information from invoices. Transform unstructured invoices into easy-to-read data. Works automatically in your Gmail.

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